Is it Possible?

I feel a little wary saying this… but I do believe it is possible that I have no idea what I’m doing back at school or where I am going with this educational experience. I have decided that I do NOT want to become a teacher or a counselor in our school system. AND I have no idea what I DO want to do. I feel like an 18 year old kid… continually changing and never making up my mind.

Perhaps I am in school just to learn a bunch of new things.

That’s all I can figure for now. Maybe somewhere along the way a solid answer will come to me and I’ll know for sure what is going on.

In the meantime, I’m going to enjoy it.

About Angie K Millgate

For my living, I am an Energy Healer, Spiritual Intermediator, Body-Centered Intuitive Coach, and Graphic Artist, in addition to being an author, artist and photographer. And while I am passionate about what I do, I have a life outside of "work" wherein I love big and I love without end. I am a curious person by nature, one who LOVES to ask questions. I'm a chameleon... meaning, I can shift to match whomever is in front of me, but I always come back to myself. I love being a mother and find it to be the greatest blessing in the world. Oh! And... I've written a book! "Above the Clouds" is an autobiographical account of my journey out of religion and domestic violence and into aliveness. If you're interested, it is available online right now through Earth Friendly Publishing. I live my life with these commitments and questions as my guidelines: *I commit to being fully alive, living in my love, clearing anything that is blocking me from doing so and doing whatever it takes to achieve this. *I commit to learning from every interaction. *I commit being 100% accountable for my words, thoughts, emotions and actions. *I am 100% responsible for only MY experience. *In how many ways can I uplift myself and others by fully embracing my genius ability for Love, Sex, Power and Magic?
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