ARTH 2720

Information regarding ART 2720

Final Term Paper: The Renaissance Wave

Prior to entering this Art History class, I felt anxious and prepared to be bored. I never had enjoyed history because all of my teachers had been boring. The other art history classes I had experienced were merely a series of slides of art with the teacher droning on monotonously about things that made no impact on me. However, this specific class was not like that.

Professor Char Poulton is so passionate about the topic of art history that she lights up the entire room with her brilliant excitement. For me, she brought history to light in a way that I’ve never experienced it. She was so knowledgeable about her subject, I was able to put myself there in the Renaissance and actually was moved by things that were happening during this time.

Because she so enjoys what she teaches and presents it as though she is telling a story, encouraging interactive discussions and pondering, I developed a passion myself for history, specifically art history and how much can be discovered by studying the art of a certain era. I learned about different mediums and techniques. When the personal history was available, I gained a deeper understanding for the person who created the art, in addition to the art itself.

In writing this final project, at first I feared I wouldn’t be able to meet the requirements – write a 4-5 page paper about what you learn while researching a specific era in history and choose four works to represent this era. 4-5 pages seemed impossible. When I got to writing, though, I suddenly was enveloped with Renaissance Italy and fell in love all over again. I couldn’t help myself and just continued writing, only to discover I had a 20-page research paper in my hand at the end of the process.

While I have always be intrigued with and drawn to the Renaissance, writing this paper has helped me to identify with the era and I have gained such respect for the people, the art, and the artisans of that era.

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