MATH 0990

Information regarding MATH 0990

August 05, 2010
I have NO idea how I pulled this off buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut…

I SCORED 100% ON MY FINAL EXAM!!! And I ended the term with an “A-” for my final grade!!! WOW!

June 04, 2010
I took my 2nd test today and feel as sad about it as the first test. I’m really struggling with this new development of dropping the negative signs and flipping numbers. Two of the three problems I missed were only wrong because the translation from the CORRECT answer on paper to the answer that I typed out got turned around. I actually had 95% ON PAPER. The typographical errors caused by the flipping when I typed resulted me in getting 85%. Ugh. Lord help me!

May 26, 2010
I took my first test today. I feel sad. I got 85%, which is a B. I wanted an A. I’m finding that my head is flipping around numbers and I see a “5” but write a “4” and then, of course, my solution is incorrect because I started out with the incorrect information to begin with. I’m also discovering that my eyes drop the negative sign all too frequently. I actually have to talk myself through every step of the problem as I’m writing it out ON EVERY SINGLE PROBLEM to have any hope of getting it right. And, even then, I’ve got the funky problem of seeing one thing, writing another. Sheesh…

May 23, 2010
I’m really grateful that, of my 5 classes for Summer 2010 term, MATH 0990 started first and is in conjunction with a class that is requiring very little of my time. I am astounded about how difficult it was to get back in the swing of Math. I have had immense frustration and difficulties, spending almost FORTY hours in all this week to get the learning in so I could do the homeowrk in time. WOW!

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