Meet Me

Angie K Millgate

Hi! I’m Angie Millgate and I’m really glad you are here, helping me achieve my dream of bettering this world. I am starting with myself and then, branching outward, touching one person at a time. Thank you for your time and the energy you have devoted to perusing my site.

I come from a long line of women who have created art while telling everyone they weren’t artists. They’ve told themselves they couldn’t draw, paint, create and, therefore, they believed it and, for a long time, so did I. Back in 2004, I attended Myotherapy College of Utah and graduated as a Nationally Certified Licensed Massage Therapist. During that time, I began “doodling” and an instructor watched one of my pieces evolve over the days. One day, she marveled at the page of art I had created and said, “Your’re storing all your knowledge in this art. Do you know that?”

I hadn’t thought about it, but it rang true. I thought back over all the years of schooling I had gone through and realized that, in the classes where I was “allowed” to doodle, I retained more information than if I wasn’t allowed to do so. And thus, my line of Conscious Art was born.

As I’ve grown in this journey called, “Life,” I have increased my knowledge, strengthened my resolve and have become a confident, gifted and highly-skilled Healer and Visionary through art and written word. I have also realized that I am a presence that holds space for others wherein they can find their lost parts. I help people Remember themselves.

It seems that humanity has forgotten its humanity – how to treat one another with love and kindness. I pray that I will be able to do that for those who cross my path. I want to live a life well-lived. And I hope that, when I am gone, I will leave a Legacy of Love for everyone…

With Love,