My Goals

I have done graphic art, design and layout since affordable computers first hit desktops back in the early 90’s. Having many friends who are musicians and artisans has given me a small, steady clientele that has allowed me to dabble on the side in this craft.

My passion for healing, writing and art led me back to school. I am set to graduate from Salt Lake Community College in Spring 2013 with an AAS in Graphic Design with an emphasis in Design and Illustration. Additionally, I will be graduating with a General Education AS at the same time.

Short-term, school-related goals:
– Learn time management skills
– Be an effective, efficient student
– Graduate with honors
– Take as many classes as possible, while excelling as a student
– Make contacts with peers and professors, creating a collaborative network

After graduation:
– Be hired as an illustrator, graphic designer
– Acquire freelance work
– Start own freelance business
– Decide upon continuing on for MFA

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